I've broken out each additional burden the Fed Reserve has taken in separate charts below. Click to enlarge each chart.
Chart 1 - $0

Chart 2- add $48 billion for every day credit lines the Fed gives out

Chart 3 - add $508 billion to buy US treasuries; this is ongoing

Chart 4 - add $56 billion given to federal agencies

Chart 5 - add $237 billion to purchase mortgage-backed securities; new

Chart 6 - add $529 billion, direct lending starts (you notice how this has not happened before)

Chart 7 - repurchase agreements with companies looking for immediate liquidity

Chart 8 - $117 billion for AIG and Bear Stearns

Chart 9 - add $314 billion for central bank liquidity swaps with other central banks

Chart 10 - add $255 billion for more lending to banks

Chart 11 - add $5 billion to start TALF, Secretary Geithner's plan to buy up bad bank debt